internally balanced 360 crank (BIG PROBLEM) need input

Did you see the welds in the pic ?

" I'm saying this guy is a total *** that must have been drunk wile balancing this crank . "

You won't be getting much argument there....except for the sweeping substance abuse remark.....but I wouldn't rule it out either.

" Do you thank he could have at least grinded the welds smooth it was being a little sarcastic about the Chevy ford guy thing but the thought did cross my mind . That he did it on purpose ."

It takes a real hate to do something like this.......if I was upset with a customer , I'd just show them the door. No repercussions.
To willfully damage a persons property , especially where you are often getting into Pride and Joy territory , is a very high risk proposition.

" Maybe you have more faith in the human race than I do . No need to weep for your future or mine . As I will be fine you have your way of thinking and I have mine so no apology needed . That what makes America so grate is we can have are own opinion ."

I think I am a very good judge of character , and faith and respect are not free with a fill. You earn them.
Maybe our opinions are not so far apart in some regards.
And that is great too.