Internet vs reality

Well my thread was closed due to insults and degrading comments i consider myself a cool and mello guy until someone from behind the internet wizard of oz certain insults me and my knowledge, for one i dont need to be lead to water i been on this planet 51 years and never went thirsty secound of all i have taken advice from members but only the advice i choose to take,a little story on the dual quad setup,engine shop could not get it to idle below 1800 and was popping well though my searches and trials i got her to iddle at 1000 no poping and running like a baer its been 4 years now and still running great drove her to work today 40 miles each way, didnt miss a beat, im from the old school where you would asked your local mechanic buddy for info or a ciltons manual or the guy behind the desk at your favorite parts store (i miss those days) i posted pics of who i am and what i built let me see who and whats behind all the insults and internet bla bla bla.