The story on the Javelin race that broke my car

"What the f*** are you talking about? He had a baby on board and started the race, not me. He didn't take it easy and I won. If you would like to come see me in person, I'll be happy to beat some man into you, you idiot."

Years ago, I was a news reporter in Delaware. I'll never forget an incident in a small town there.

A middle aged blue collar worker with a nicely restored classic car was minding his own business at a light when a smoked up teen in a primered rice rocket with no exhaust rolled up and began to provoke him. It was late at night, the road was deserted, so I guess the guy figured "WTF"?

As they "opened it up" on the main street, a family of 4 in a minivan pulled out down the road in front of them. The older, more experienced driver (with a much safer muscle car) easily maintained control and missed the oncoming disaster. The teenager, however slammed into the minivan, killing all of it's occupants.

I covered the resulting trials. BOTH drivers were charged with vehicular homicide and as I recall BOTH got 20-30 years in jail.

Totally a horrible tragedy that could have been avoided if just ONE person would have made the "right" choice. :-) Very sad for all. :sad7: