So my husband bet me a $1,000 ...

that I couldn't take off the front wheels without putting the car on the ground. I probably would have laughed it off, but he made the mistake of posting it on FaceBook .... so it was ON!!

Last night after we had done a few things on the Valiant, I continued to clean and sand away as the sun went down. He FINALLY went inside and left me alone to figure out how I was going to make him eat his words AND pay up. I NEED a new convertible top and I want it NOW!

Under the front tire, I wedged the hydraulic jack and behind the jack 2 tires, kind of in a line, against a cabinet in our garage. I sprayed down the lug nuts with WD40, found a socket that fit and gave it my all. NOTHING!! I remembered husband had a steel pipe that he put over a wrench when he had a tough one to break and tried again. To my amazement ... it WORKED!! I got the wheel off and was just posting a picture of my work on FaceBook just about the time that husband was coming out to see what I was up to.

He SERIOUSLY didn't believe that I had done it! My response: "What, the tire change fairy came and did it?" "I called AAA and they came and changed it for me?" "No, I jacked the car up, removed the jacks, lowered it, changed the tire and got it all back together?" So I showed him! He admitted today that he was actually impressed that I had done it ... that I had improvised and overcame.

What DOES crow taste like?

So far, I have a new air breather, new center cap for my old Cragars that was missing, a new pin-up dress AND should have my NEW convertible top next month.

Silly man, he should know by now to NEVER tell this REDHEAD she CAN'T do something!