sob's scammed my mom today for 46 hun..........

if i knew who these bastards were they'd be dead and i'd be in jail.

sorry for venting, but i just can't seem to understand how some lowlife piece of **** can take advantage of an 84 year old woman. i wish i could do something...........but there is nothing that i can do......

my mom called and said that my nephew called from mexico, and he was in trouble (obviously not my nephew) and needed money. somehow they persuaded her not to call anyone about this and she sent them 2500 bucks............and then even called back for more cash.........ending up that she lost 4600 dollars!! mfkrs!!!

i am so pissed right now........that someone violated my mom, took half her savings and there's is absoulutely nothing i can do about it.

so.......please talk to your moms, or grandma's or any of the elderly that u know.... tell them that if someone......anyone........whether they know them or not, calls being in trouble and needs money, and especially tries to persuade them not to call anyone about this, that's A BIG RED FLAG, and they should call another family member immediately!

i also told her not to answer the phone if she doesn't know who it is that is calling...........

somehow i feel like this is my fault..............fkn' theivin scum.........