The story on the Javelin race that broke my car

too much politicaly correct BULLSHIT. I grew up in the 70s, a time when you could fart, smoke, drink and curse in public. look at where we are now, pathetic!

bleh, i can't stand this longing for the past crap. The age of information(current) is leaps and bounds ahead of the past. Sure a segment of people get all wrapped up in self-importantism when you do those things in public, but its not remotely close to everyone.

As to the OP's racing, while i personally won't street race and suggest everyone go to a track. I look at the fact that the parent was willing to race with their kid in the car. To me that shows an obvious lack of care which leads to me to believe he's a crappy parents who, in best case scenario, will be raising a McD's manager....if not an inmate.