V8 bellhousing

I can't be anymore apologetic. I've apologized three times now. I know #4 wasn't the OP. I was merely adding to because it is possible to swap with the right bellhousings. As for caps, really? I was using them to stress words, not yell. Now, I've apologized more than enough for something I see no wrong in, but I still apologized for. But you still forge ahead unwilling to even think for one minute you might have taken something I said the wrong way. So whose being arrogant here? Tell you what. You stay on your side of the tracks and I'll stay on mine. If this is what I get for trying to help, it's not worth it.

I have just answered what you asked. I am ready to move past that and forget it. No apoligies wanted or needed.

I still would like to know the answer to the split on bellhousings I have seen others post about. Do you know the answer? If so please explain what the break is and how to tell them apart. If you don't know just say it. I don't know so that is why I am trying to learn about it.