The story on the Javelin race that broke my car

No, but i'm smart enough to recognize that the past was far from great. As time has progessed we've become a freer society and that is always better. Compared to the repressed times past.

I mean look at the 70s, people had to swing to the polar opposite of the norm with all the hippy BS because the "norm" was so damn repressed.

So its not as applicable to the socially conservative. Thats great because social consveratism is not freedom.

I have nothing more to say to you except please go read
history and find out what really happened and why.
You have obviously listened to your masters and decided you
are already aware of the truth as it was presented to you in
school and college...... and you need look no further........

My generation and the ones before have added nothing
to your wellbeing...... grasshopper

I am happy your generation is so free and safe.

So why is your motor ticking Mopar to ya?