sob's scammed my mom today for 46 hun..........

A telemarketer tried pulling a quick one on my mom once.. I had answered the phone and they asked for my mother. I asked who it was and they said there were selling something so I got my mom on the phone, but I didn't hang up. As i listened this person was sweet talking to her about some product or another and to my mom's credit she said that she really couldn't afford this thing. Then that scum... ah, person asked if she had a credit car and to just charge it! That's when I jumped in and tore that person a new one! They didn't know what hit them. After i was done with them I went and talked to my mom again and told her when someone calls trying to sell you something just say I'm not interested and hang up, don't let them start talking to you. The problem was that she was not the type of person who couldn't hang up on people. Luckily she never got taken but it was a constant worry for me. As for me I never let them get started. If they're lucky they will get a not interested out of me. most of the time all they get is silence!