sob's scammed my mom today for 46 hun..........

thanks to all u guys for your advice, suggestions and support, really means alot to me.

it ends up that the scam was done out of haiti, the police, bank, walmart, (that's where she sent the money from) my brothers, (5 of them) are all we will see what happens........the good thing is my mom inspite of all this is in good spirits, and has told me she has learned a hard lesson. she realizes the red flags now, but was in a talespin thinking that andy was in trouble, and made some bad i said she's pretty sharp usually, and is suprised at her decisions after thinking this over.

my other brother does have a joint account with her, but there are no limitations as to how much u can draw out of the account, or that the other person has to be notified.......u can bet that will change.

thanks for the support guys, and oh, memike, just so u know, she said her hearing aids are working perfectly fine, and were also working fine the day of this tragedy.

the support here has been tremendous, thanks again, and sorry for the delay in responding, this kind of left me speechless with a tear in my eye......

so please, please forwarn your elderly loved ones, there's alot of bad people out there, and a plan of attack for something like this would be in order......
thanks again fabo members.....