The answer is no but I'll ask anyway

Let me try this again. I have neuropathy in my hands and feet (diabetes) and so they don't work so well for me and I hit the wrong key and everything disappeared. Let me try this again. Thanks for your reply. To make my 68 an S clone, I'd have to get the correct inserts. For the money asked, and condition I've found, I'm not willing to do that at this time. Two last questions if you have the time. In my books on Barracudas, it seems the 69 did not have the S emblems on the fenders. Is that correct. My book says it was a 65 to 68 badge. But I did notice the S emblem on the tail panel of a few Barracudas but they seem to be 69s. Hard to tell from the pictures. What about the red/black V8 emblem? Would that have been attached to non-Formula S models with the 318 in 68? If so, I might go that route instead that way my inserts, which are in great shape, can be used. Thanks for your help and patience.

RedFish: Thanks. I had little luck finding them in other than rough condition with studs missing. Mine are in excellent shape but not Formula S. My 68 is UU1 blue but I'm thinking about having it repainted in Q5 Seafoam (turquoise) which I like a lot better. Since it is origiinally a slant six notchback, I'm not worried about making changes to it. I was lucky to have brought it with me from California when I moved so it has no rust.