1969 Formula S badge

$85 shipped USPS

So I was going through my stuff and ran across this. It looks like it might have never been on a car as the tabs have not been peened over but there is some black residue on the back so maybe somebody glued it on? The speck above the S was a piece of dust and is gone now, the speck out of the white is there (tiny chip) and the black has been touched up a bit where it looks dull (looks like flat paint where semi gloss was needed.) The rest of the paint is original and the chrome is about perfect. I forgot I even had this but somebody needs it and I need to finance a shorter drive shaft and a limited slip! (I also came across a sweet performance/vac gauge for a early 60's Pontiac Grand Prix that looks like a $200+ piece on ebay but that's for another forum LOL!)

The Formula S badge is $85 shipped USPS.