lets talk about mig welders??

Buy brand name Miller Hobart, Lincoln, etc, used on Craigslist if you cannot afford new. Definately get gas setup

"Sears" is not a brand name and neither is "Horrid Freight." Century is not, and neither are any of the other Chinese/ Italian/ T.I. Whon etc etc etc

Here's one that appears to be a relabled Lincoln


You might research this one


Not sure how far away..............


No idea. Check it out


thanks i found all of those last nite just not sure which one to get.lol i like the real gear, i think they said it was a knock off of a Lincoln. But its made in china, if that matters/ also found out the Hobart line of welders was bought out by miller . mostly just worried if the 130/140 amp line of welders will have enough amperage to weld what i need it to, but thanks every one for all the help. looks like i need to do more research. mopar65