The story on the Javelin race that broke my car

Lucky indeed I think
Best you got, Luck and knowing is about even if you are honest :D

Okay, It was the exhaust rocker on #1 that was clicking. I went and adjusted the whole bank, and this week when I can drive it to the shop I will pull the other valve cover when I do the intake gasket and adjust that side as well. It is quiet now and runs beautifully. All for the price of a valve cover gasket. I can't tell you how happy I am. I was looking at a $530 set of hydraulic roller lifters that I didn't want to buy.
:cheers: Outstanding news this evening :color:

I think the only things that could add to this experience are if nobody had seat belts on and both drivers had an open beer between their legs.

Then it would be JUST like the '70's(that I grew up in) when nobody cared.

As a former street racer, I'll say this: When you have two guys beside each other in cars, good judgement goes out the window. Especially if there are a bunch of good ol' boys standing around watching.

Anyway, street racing ain't nothing. Take it to the track where the timeslips don't lie and driving skill means more than just getting slippery street tires to hook finally.

Well said and A hard emotion to put in place at the time :D Don't ask, I know

Thank you, thank you. I might actually break out the bacon if people won't leave crap alone and be glad the OP's tick is gone.

And to the OP, glad to hear it was just an adjustment! You got off easy.
Yep, got off easy, but looked in the right places to fix it /6 Matt :wink:

Except that I built this car to be a street car. It is designed to take the majority of the cars I meet on the street. I don't have the time or inclination to spend time at the track. Time trials are nice to talk about, but winning races is much more fun.

True that..... All these guys run it from light to light and then come on here and act like angels..... Give me a break they are all FOS when they say they would not do what you did. I run my chit against anyone who want's a piece of it, them not knowing they are gunna get the whole enchilada,,,,, and no I ain't Bullshittinnn!! Lol :burnout:

Glad you got it sorted out.... And don't take no chitt from nobody at the next light!! haaaa
I would stand back and see where the finish line was, or could be...or was in there mind... Maybe 8-)

I remember those days, early 2000's, lol. Used to street race my 71 Swinger. There was a "designated" road that we would all go to...Bear Creek Highway. The road was as straight and flat as far as the eye could see. It's where everyone would go to race. That's actually the road I first learned how to race on....with a 68 440 RoadRunner!! Whenever someone from a neighboring town would cruise over and get that itch, that's where everyone would head.
Heck, even the Police officers that I would see from time to time at the gym would ask me if I'd beaten anyone over the weekend on Bear Creek.
One officer that I got to be friends with was pretty disappointed when the chief chose a new Crown Vic over the Hemi Charger when they purchased a new ride as he would be the one driving it. Said he wanted to see how it would fare against the 318 Dart, Lol!!

Just a few notches under the street Dart's belt included: 66 GTO 389 Tri-Power, 67 Chevelle Malibu Pro-Street 327, 81 Z-28 Camaro 350.
Never was challenged by any Ferds though, weird.

Oh yeah, Mopar to ya, I'll be running those same rockers on my 318. Do those machined shaft hold-downs actually come down around the shaft and touch the rocker pedestal? I'm thinking of making my own and not sure how tall to make them in relation to the pedestal.

Sounds like Bono hill to me, but back in the 70'es :wink: