You did good,Toro. Check out Crackback's Duster shell.Dude is a straight shooter..might be worth it. Proud of you,getting it done...

I will, I just hope it's not too far from where I am. Again, distance is an issue -- would rather spend more of the money on parts than gas/trailer/shipping. I have 3 friends capable of tig/mig who definitely could use extra pocket money. Sister has some nice land in stevie where I could work on it during summer and her fiancee is a mechanic as well. Taking it slow so I can get a proper shell and get right to the fun parts. If it takes too long, I'll start on the rounded chassis and motor, waiting for Montana weather to stop being bipolar before I get into anything, ultimately.

Edit: very nice, definitely what I want but too far =/ would end up paying 500-600 atop the asking price.