Carb experts Please help

Have you checked your throttle blades to make sure you are not uncovering to much of your idle transfer slots?

Here's a few questions I have for you: The Q Series is a Quick Fuel carb, correct? New carb? Part number? Does the carb have mechanical secondary, four corner idle mixture and front and rear idle speed adjustment? Are there holes drilled in the throttle blades?

I checked the throttle plates and they are almost completely closed. It is a new carb from Quick fuel I purchased last year. Mechanical secondaries, 4 corner mixture screws and front and rear idle adjustments. My car doesn't seem to develope much vacumn so I installed a 2.5 power valve. Also there are no holes in the blades. After changing the air bleeds and adjusting the idle down I had to loosen the throttle cable and allow it move forward because it was holding the throttle open a little.