standing up for getting screwed

I have just been notified that I received a partial payment from 2nd Dart 67 . thanks for those that stood your ground in MY fight over GETTING SCREWWED IN FABO . a treaty is being worked out as I type ,we must stand for something we believe in or get pushed around and run over .
I will never sit down or turn my back, as some suggested I may have broke rules but I don't fight with rules .That's why America is si f&&& up right now too much bitchn and not enough togetherness to speak out at what is rite . As you seen I will do what has to be done to keep FABO a safe place to do transactions . for those that spoke up I salute you for speaking out for what you believed ,was a FABO CLUB you would like to be a part of . But for those that said let it be HELL NO stand up and keep FABO a safe place for transactions and help police the site,or it will turn into a free for all to rip each other off at will . 99% of the parts we are buying are used ,and very hard to find , that I realize, I may have a part you need to get running that isn't perfect ,but it may get you thru until we can find you a better part but be honest . mike is trying to make this rite with me rite now , because he knows the value of being a FABO MEMBER . not just another site, but a site of knowlage ,help, brotherhood
and great place to shop for parts ,that are hard to find ,for our old mopars ,shops ,garages , toolbox and years of experience from mechanics,
racers, professionals , and guys that been there done that. But if we don't stand together were are just another mopar site . I will always stand up for what I believe or your just standing with your thumb up your a??
Please stand up, what out for your friends ,help cover there backs ,
and most importantly HELP FABO GROW , BUT HELP IT GROW ,DONT JUST WATCH IT GROW , or it will grow outa control 2nd dart is trying to
correct a sale and BE A STAND UP GUY , So stand up for yourselves and STAND UP FOR FABO. I am proud to be a FABO member but I got comfortable thinking after 100s of transactions you can still get screwed
even with pictures , phone conversations ,pm"s . We can all get along and co exist if we take the time to KEEP FROM GETTING SCREWED IN FABO if we stand up for each other , don't sell what you wouldn't buy
and be honest BE A STAND UP GUY OR GIRL . I will let you all know how this turns out but for rite now , MIKE is Trying to make this rite.
and my brothers that helped try to keep this a safe site. sorry for my typing skills. WINSTONINWISC