Freekin bastiges

So our dealership was sold to another group (it's a Hyundai dealer). We had interviews and drug tests where everything was fine, they wanted to keep everybody, they took over this Monday.

So they make phone calls and offer a job to almost everyone except me and my younger son, this past Friday, my older son works there too. They don't call me or my younger son until Sunday evening to tell us that they don't hire family. WTF? This is a family owned company and you have plenty of your own family working there now but every one elses family is SOL?!?

I told the owner that he lied to me to right to my face in the interview and the way they handled the whole thing was BS. Needless to say they hired my older son because he was the only Equus certified tech there and they have to have one in order to sell them so they kept him. I'm glad for him but that was an f'ed up way of doing it, you all knew by Friday who you were going to offer a job to. So now I'm looking for another job at 56 years old. I'm so tired of this crap.