standing up for getting screwed

Ya know what I would be choked too if I got treated like Winston did. I would imagine you would be chewing nailz if you got screwed like he did.
Good for you, glad there is some resolution coming your way!

I'm glad you're gettin somethin back, but efrikinnuffalready.

I know man , its all bullshit crybaby threads until it happens to them... think about it ....
im glad something is getting accomplished, and if it weren't for these threads , NOTHING would be getting resolved. if it were me getting f%cked here , I would be doing the same damn thing.
I give the man props for at least taking it in the *** with some dignity...
carry on .....

Thas all true, but so far we've had the start of at least 4? threads, and the original is still OPEN.
True on all counts.