how many dart generations are there?

I have to agree with Bill on this one. Take a 73 dart, put a 68 front clip and 68 tail and most people would not know it was born as a 73.

maybe to the average person ...i suppose that could be ...and maybe i am being too picky but i have seen ppl put earlier front ends on 73-6 and there are still a lot ways to see the original heritage of the car......its not just sheet metal .....interiors were different

door frame tops were plastic not metal.
seat belts were configured different
73 for example had the osac valve on the firewall
heater blower motors were different
the firewall itself was different
even the heater bezel changed
bumper mountings changed.
side markers
even seat patterns can be a give away.

you can almost smell the difference LOL

i went to Colorado springs to look at what the seller claimed to be a 72 even had a 72 vin number but i wasnt fooled for a min and walked away from it when i saw the numbers on the radiator supprort were different from the vin it was a 73.