Not enough younger people in this hobby...

aaaand i have been to alot of car shows where a kid 15-17 years old takes an interest in someones car starts asking them questinos and the owner doesnt give them the time of day. gets angry if they get to closs to it. i think guys need to sit back and relax and let the younger geneartion sit in our cars feel them running touch them so they can get the love for them that we all had growing up in our parents cars. asnd get out and say wow thats the car i want.

your right thats a problem too. the check book asshole ruined the hobby like that. when i was young the older guys had nice cars but actually used them. they shared knowlege they gave young guys good discounts on parts they needed.. they helped the kids. these days too many of the check book clowns don't know how to work on their car to start with, then they think every part is made of gold..

and when younger kids look at my car and say wow thats cool but i really want a honda..all i say to them is thats cool but do you wanna drive a honda or race in a mopar?

gotta watch. some of those ricers will tear up that old