OK I've found 'im..I've found the internet moron

HOLY SHORTS!!! I gotta jump on that! A floppy ribbon at that price is amazing! Like the guy said, 3.5" floppies are coming back in a big way!! Serious, why would people put their data on a single USB-end-sized flash drive, when they could break up one single MP3 over twelve floppies!?!? Plus, they got that cool clicking and grinding sound when they're working...

Also, they have serial numbers imprinted onto the ribbons in UV-activated ink, as well as a GPS tracking chip... If it's stolen, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, Explosives, and Ribbon Cables (BATFERC) WILL track you down... Stealing a floppy ribbon cable is a mandatory 30-year sentence at least...

((In all seriousness, I think the last time I put a 3.5" floppy drive in any of my PC builds was 2001-2002, and it went unused for the lifespan of the computer; like 3-4 years I think...))

...and a 387 coprocessor still in the original box!
Now THAT is a relic worth a stupid price!! :O