ok, lets talk racing

Probably the best things you could do is............

First, find out who your local track is, what rules they go by. Some tracks have "local" rules. Get yourself a copy of whatever applies, NHRA, etc

Go out to the track on "off" days/ nights, and make friends with a couple of the local racers.

Unfortunately NHRA is very protective of their rules, but there were a few places "here and there" on the www where you could download last/ a couple years ago rules. These at least would get you some idea

Try this, 2012?


This is a PITA to navigate because (my) the viewer shows consecutive page numbers, but the main index doesn't follow

Two good sections to read for starters are

Page 47 in my viewer is the index for sec. 2 "Race procedures"

Page 64 is the start of "ET handicap racing"

Page 264 is "general regulations"

This seems to be the 2013 amendments


A good read here:


