66 Valiant convertible ... VH27B62558645

you can do a DMV search ....here in Colorado the only way you can do a past owner search is if its your car....or if you get it vin inspected ....but its your car so if its like here they can do a previous owner search....here they charge $2.20 for each record they pull up so if there were a ton of previous owners then it adds up.....but it is sooooo interesting what comes up.

we did that on two cars so here so far a 71 demon and my dad's 69 cuda.

the cuda was boring bcoz he bought it in 72 so there was only one previous owner.

the demon was cool bcoz we followed its history from new, Starting in west Texas, it made a gradual migration north through new mexico up to Colorado to me as the current registration LOL.

interesting stuff.

BTW ....some cars never had build sheets .....Los Angeles built cars are widely known as cars that do not have build sheets ....that plant had a policy to throw them away and not "litter" the car up with them.

they saw the build sheet as needed by the assembler only and didnt count on the idea that 40 years later ppl would actually still want these cars and be restoring them lol.