Got stoned today.....

Don't know if you've got june bugs where you are but they're bigger than a half dollar. They get your attention when you hit one at 75.:banghead:

Don't think we have june bugs up here. Have gotten hit with a few bugs that felt like they more or less bounced off.

Driving down the road, saw a guy on a Harley coming the other way.Watched a rabbit run across the road and it saw the bike at the last minute.Jumped straight up in the air and hit the guy right in the chest and bounced off.Guy on bike was going about 40 but didn't stop. Bet that had to hurt.

Ouch.......have gotten nailed in the shin with a small chunk of lumber years ago. Had a knot for a few days.

Two weeks ago-met a tractortrailer on a two lane road-he kicked up a 2x4 stake thingy and sent it right through the windshield on the rollback! Ended up stuck in the windshield half in half out. Little glass in the face, couple hundred bucks, but I sure was glad it went toward the middle!

This is the thing nightmares are made of. Glad you did not get hurt. Remember seeing on the news one night years ago that a Mom and her Daughter were on a freeway and a truck kicked up a chunk of steel that was on the roadway, went thru the windshield and thru the Daughters chest. Missed all vital organs, her Mom was saying that at first her Daughter did not even realize what had happened. Suppose she was in shock.....

I got a fat lip :toothy9: and bruised :shaking2: driving a 250Xl Honda back in the mid to late 70's probably doing 70 :-k at the time and tasted a grass hopper :-sout side of Pant city Fla.
I think some one in the family has a picture of it :tongue9::tongue9::help: BAMM hit ya and hurt bad didn't it #-o
Hay, It could happen again :D so bee careful Ink :toothy2:

Tasted a grass hopper?? Did it taste like chicken? :D As long as all the 4 legged critters stat in the woods all is well.