Got stoned today.....

Why is it when you need a video camera there is none around? I jumped in the truck the other day to find a wasp hanging out on the seat back.....I was doing a dance of my own.

Joe, be thankful you were not allergic like my buddy Arnie in NJ was. He had a bee go up his jacket sleeve and get him. He decide to turn around and go home. When we got back to his driveway he passed out, sending him & his wife to the ground. He spent several days in the hospital. Had a welt for close to 2 years from it......

That happened way before truly portable video cameras and even cell phones, lol. It would've been a youtube moment... if yt existed back then.

You're right about allergies, they are no joke. A scenario like that would've probably killed my sister. She has to carry a hypo with her wherever she goes filled with some anti-allergy stuff (forgot what it's called).