Got stoned today.....

If you ride, then you've got stories.
I've always worn full-face helmets but still enjoy the wind-in-the-face feel occasionally. I was out on a ride a few years ago on a warm spring day and had my face shield flipped up an open. Lots of flowers blooming so lots of butterflies. Riding down a two-lane back road I saw one flitting across the road in front of me. I was dodging and weaving on the bike saddle to try to miss it. At the last moment it dodged, I weaved, and it hit me right in the left lens of my sunglasses. Big ol' splat and couldn't see out of that side until I pulled over and got it washed off.
A couple of months later I was out on another ride and felt a sting on my arm. I thought I must have hit a fly or something and didn't think much of it but it kept stinging. Looked down at my arm after about 30 seconds or so and saw a stinger in my arm with the venom sack still attached and pulsing away. Don't know what it was that I hit but ended up going to the doctor the next day when my arm swelled up. I'd never been allergic to bee stings before. Still don't know what it was that I hit.