65 Barracuda Gasser + 1956 325 Dodge Hemi Build

Thanks, it is coming together. The intake is an Offy from Hot Heads. I used a VHT hi-temp paint on it and baked it in the oven.......don't tell the wife! I did a lot of searching and reading on tri-power carbs, older and newer alike and finally decided on the Rochester 2G's. They are somewhat plentiful and not too bad to work on and supposedly pretty reliable. There was some newer carbs out there that had some great features, but I would have had to get another loan to pay for them. I think the 2G have a nice look and fit the intake great.
Now that the "nice" season is here and the race track beckons we will continue the build in between burnouts and ET slips. Of course I will keep posting as progress continues........Best, Chip