how are old paint colors figured out ?

Not all paint colors are necessarily accurate, anyhow. In the early 70's I was working for my father's parts store, we sold Acme paint products.

One of the local "lesser skilled" body shops --the ones who DON'T know how to blend---ordered up a pint of the then popular red for the 70's Datsun pickups.

They complained, "didn't match" so I mixed another pint, CAREFULLY and they complained AGAIN

So Dad asked me "was I sure" and I said yep. He says "mix a quart as careful as you can and go down there."

So I go down there and HERE IS WHAT

Here is a 70's Datsun pickup, RED with front end damage. At this time, the thing was 4? years old

Here's a RED junkyard fender off a SECOND vehicle

Here's a RED junkyard hood off a THIRD vehicle

NOT ONE of the items matched the other two!!!

I pulled the lids off all three cans of paint, and you could not see the difference in the cans of paint!!!!

So I asked this guy, so here you are, you have three red pieces, and NONE of em match each other, how do 'ya 'xpect us to match the paint no matter HOW we mix it?????