Cal trac /mono leaf results

The on going saga.....Well giving the shocks more room worked, no more hook and spin. But I lost another race, because now I spin at the hit inconsistantly.Ran a 11:05 off the trailer, then a 11:12, then a 11:07. So I put a 11:05 on the window (same lane as the 11:07) thinking it's cooler now, I cut a .009 to his .028, and he runs 11:08.5 on a 11:07, and I run 11:13.....he crosses .0498 ahead at the line, this sucks.On top of that, my electric shifter is inconsistant too. It works perfect everytime in the pits, but 1/2 the time on a run.
I am going to run a heaver wire to the batt direct, and if that doesn't do it, it must be RF noise.I don't have any problem shifting myself, but I would like to know for sure my helper is going to be there for me!
Back to the chassis. I went back to same adjustment I started with, no pre-load, and launched with 5000 chip instead of full on the converter @5500. It must be close, because there is very little stutter on the launch.I also went back to #3 setting on the shocks. There is no question they were bottoming out before.
So the only change was the 500 lower rpm lanuch.
We have 2 weeks before the next race, so I am going to go to a friday night race (not points race) and do some testing.
The sad thing is, all my Mopar freinds with similar cars and Cal Tracs, have a different opinion of what to do. More pre load, less pre load, top hole bottom hole, even though our cars are similar, different things work for different people.So I am kind of lost, I guess I will need to figure it out on my own.
Enjoy your week.My head hurts!