cruisin' ocean city 2013 pictures

had a great time.. wed thurs and friday the weather was awesome.. saturday we got to about 2:30pm before the rain started.
every year on friday we take a cruise to some small town and check thing out.,. this time we cruised to choptank river lighthouse and the surrounding area. then went wine tasting at laytons chance winery. we cruised some awesome road in that area. was about a 130 mile cruise for us. total it was a 504 mile trip. the dart ran great,, got a best of 19 mpg too. sure i could have gotten over 20mpg is i wasn't so hard on that lil slant six..:)

i took a little over 700 pictures..:) i have them posted about 100 per page..

some of the ones i took when it was getting dark are pretty blurry.. just skip those.. :)
