Took it in the shorts three times in a month?

Roy, we're in awful shape, but I speck I can shoot you 5 bucks to help make up for some of it.

Ya know, it's not the money RRR it's the the idea.
If I thought it was breaking him I would too, but I think it's just the inconsiderate crap that is bugging Roy.

I was hoping that they would see this thread and send him his money without any of us ever having to know who it was.

Roy, the amount does not matter one bit (as far as the responsibility goes) It's the morals that are important.
So if they don't even up with you, we would like to know who it was so they dont screw someone else on something bigger.

Short version, thier word should be good no matter the amount.
If it isn't, then we should know about it.
I can't imagine someone would let thier name get trashed over a few bucks, but if that's what it takes then so be it.

I say give em a week or so and see what happens.
Hopefully the right thing as well as an appology.