CL find... 68 GTS

Ill tell you what, yes its a mess but if there is NO RUST and never been wrecked its a deal,of coarse it will need at least 10 to 15k to make it a nice car, id gladly pat the 6k for it. Can who ever pm me the guys # or email and ill talk to him.

The old saying there is a *** for every seat holds true, I bought the rough GtS that Zhandfull (pics) had and sold it for a bit more than I paid for it without spending any real money on it so im not that much of a sucker then?.

These cars are very few and far between now adays, and im amazed at you guys in the rust belt putting it down IMO


Your maroon 68 GTS does have a number of expensive and great condition parts MORE than this green GTS. But you and someone else before you, paid about $2500 more than this green GTS that was offered at $6K. Looks like the green car is rust free also, and really straight except for the ding in the driver side of the hood.

BUT your maroon 68 GTS is a air conditioning car, that dings value a little though.

Maroon GTS vs Green GTS.
From picture posted and my own pictures of the maroon GTS from seeing the car in person. w2360Duster, please make any corrections

Major things missing on the green GTS:

Major differences better parts condition of maroon GTS

Green GTS does have a $150 fan shroud that was missing on the Maroon GTS. The rear GTS panel was not on the maroon GTS, was it missing?

So do all those parts add up to $2500+ ?

This is a perfect case of a car that buyers can't see the true core or potential of a car through the mess. Like the flip opposite of perfumed pig.

For instance, the seats looks real good on the maroon car. BUT the driver side has a tears and rips in it. So you will have to replace that. And the come in pairs anyway. And if you have two brand new front seats, the 40 year old rears will look "off". 90% in the end, the seat cover repair bill will be about the same as the "trashed looking" seats in the green GTS.

Whether this Green GTS is a Good, Bad, or Indifferent "buy". It might not be the "right" car/project for a particular buyer.

If you get a good deal on a project and it just sits at your house and you never get it running, what is the point?