CL find... 68 GTS

Look at the interior on that maroon car! Nice dash pad, holy cow. Looks like it would clean up pretty nice for a driver or survivor-type interior. Has the GTS door panel emblems too. That looks like a real nice car to restore.

It's true that for much of it, like the seat covers, don't much matter since they need replacing either way, but usable vs unusable (for a driver) will still make some difference in price to some people. It's real hard to tell from the pictures, but the maroon car appears to me to be in overall better condition, and more complete, plus we know it's numbers matching. All that adds some value. How much? Who knows. Until the papers are signed, all speculation.

Thing is the maroon GTS sold twice on the open public market for nearly the same money and also same location (so cal). And when it first sold at Spring Fling early in the morning there were others after that offered to buy it at that price too. I think that is about as good comparsion for market value as possible.

Yes there are some very good useable parts on the maroon car even if they would be replaced during a full resto. BUT there is a $2500 price difference in the two cars. Mostly soft trim. And when you replace those soft trim parts, you get new supple not faded parts.

Needing imediate replacement on Green GTS to make like Maroon GTS:

Green GTS has that Maroon doesn't:

You add all the up and you net out at $2,047 using comparable to maroon GTS's used trim and air cleaner

Again, the maroon GTS has consistantly sold for over $8500. So that's a $2500 difference to work with. Now IF the green GTS does not have numbers motor and buildsheet. I think that is a $500-1000 hit on a $5000-$10,000 340 GTS like these. I also think an A/C GTS hurts value by about $300-500.

IMHO, when you add things up they are pretty darn close. And you would get fresh soft trim out of the cheaper green GTS.

Bottom line, w2360duster is asking for the phone number of the green GTS. It's not his first rodeo, he owned many of these cars, he works and has worked on them himself and understands them.