CL find... 68 GTS

Right, that sounds like a good assessment, and about what I would say also given those factors. MY original comment and extremely loose price guesstimate was based on the idea that it's very hard (impossible, really) to tell body condition and such in a few pics over the internet, which is also part of the reason I think why you're getting such a wide range of commentary in this thread (that, and the unprofessional attitude of the seller of the green car didn't help with that commentary). Unknown body condition (how are the rails, floor pans etc of the green car), unknown matching #'s, etc, all play a factor in that wide guesstimate (in case you quoting me in particular had some significance, since I was not one of the ones saying or implying the green car was a piece of junk). Now that a few more details are known (and with some more pics), it's easier to narrow that potential price range down a little more. The only real way to assess a car's condition and value is in person. I think you (autoxcuda) and I are saying basically the same thing, in a different way, honestly. No way am I going to give a solid opinion on any car's value based on a few pics and a lot of missing details.