anybody got kids, past or present i got questions

I have raised or helped raise 8 of the little buggers. I will never say I know a lot about it but I do know what doesn't work. NEVER EVER say anything to them that you AND your wife will not follow through with. The number one job of pretty much every kid is to see what they can get away with. They will push you every day just to test you in some way. When they see a crack they will exploit it. I know, I make them sound like little monsters, but that is just what they do.
Now here are a few pointers because you are not in to deep yet.
1. Sit down with the wife and come to an agreement on agreeing with each other no matter what. Even if you two don't agree on something. agree to in front of the kids. You can always discuss it later when the kids are not around.
2. If you say you are going to do something, DO IT! If you are consistant with that, they learn very quickly not to cross the line.
3. Always say thank-you or good job or both when they do something without asking. They remember that feeling of self-worth for a long time.
4. Make sure they know that homework or chores always come before play.
5. They are kids, kids yell and scream and make all kinds of noise, that's normal, let them do it to excess, it wears them out and makes going to bed a lot easier.
6. If you give them an allowance, make sure they know they have to earn it. If they don't do their chores, they don't get the allowance. When they complain tell them why they didn't get that allowance.

That's all for now, but unfortunately it only scratch's the surface of raising kids.
