The Maturity level of FABO members...

Nothing wrong with brand preference , i love all cars 1923-1972 hence oldcarnut lol , it's hard to determine genuine ballbustin' vs actual ignorance over the screen .....and it's easy to get offended by a comment read online , people are so damned concerned about saying or suggesting something that may offend another that it sucks the fun right out of it .
Do i say chevy sucks ? hell yes !! Would i pound the snot out of say a 65 impala 396 425 Hp 4spd car ? hell yes and it would put a smile on my face . HORSEPOWER!!! is a lot of fun and is truly my stress and anger management . I would own and drive any car i like no matter the brand as long as i like it and could give a rats *** what anyone thinks , and you could still call it a pos and we can hang out and laugh and pick my car apart together .....