What's the cleanest way to wire a cut off switch

Moparkid, I probably been drag racing NHRA since before you were a twinkle in your parent's eyes and am very safety conscious as well. I no longer partake in activities you seem so wrapped up in yet when I was, this passed inspection. In the past, the rules and regulations of the NHRA is one of the reasons IHRA started. Yet as of today, my safety cut-off switch is directly next to my seat and if something happened I am sure I would be the first one on the scene, so in your eyes maybe two switches would fit the bill. Never the less I no longer compete. when I was 17 in 1961 I drove a fuel dragster and in 1967 I joined the 200mph club at Pomona, Those days are gone for me and street cars are what I am into at this time of my life. Maybe one day we'll hook up and laugh at all this crap.

Have a nice day :)