dis-owning family members

If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. That's Romans 12:18.

It sounds like you've done all you can. Be honest with them. Tell them you're not having any more to do with them until their behavior towards you improves, and tell them why. That way, you leave the door open should they ever have a change of heart. People have been known to change. They are family, and you should give them every possible chance, within reason of course.

It might be that they just don't want a loving and respectful relationship with you. If that's the case, like I said, you've done all you can do. There's no need to subject yourself to that type of abuse, and it is just that; abuse. Even though they're family, you don't need to be put in this position. But always leave the door open for reconciliation, like I mentioned above.