Rant of Disgust

"People are free to price things how they want. Chose to buy or not"
Yep you're absolutely right, and a big part of the problem is guys like me who search and search for stuff for a fair price for months then end-up breaking down and paying the ransom, which creates a supply and demand situation. I'm not a rich guy but I do OK and I'm very lucky that if I decided to buy, for example, those trim rings I could. Many of us are not that lucky though. Myself and a lot of guys here sell (or give away) stuff at fair prices all the time to help guys out. I just think that's the way it should be. Some will say I'm a poor businessman. Be that as it may, but this is not our business guys, this is our hobby !
Do I really need to spend $1000+ for trim rings? No. As hard as I'm trying to keep this car original, I think in this case I'm gonna get crummy aftermarket ones for 50 bucks. Someday I'll find a NOS set for 800 bucks which is still too much but tolerable. Maybe we all need to back-off a little and let things calm down.
I have a rule of thumb I came-up with for determining what I will pay for something that is NOS or perfect used. Guess what a similar item would cost today from the dealer (already way too much) then double it. A trim ring is probably 70, maybe a hundred bucks so 200 bucks each is what I consider a "fair" price. (not really but that's what I'm willing to pay. no more).
I know this thread will prolly start a doo-doo storm so I'm asking in-advance to keep it respectful (I hope I have).