can an A-body tow?

doubt all you want I have coverage even on non installed parts and tools. I'm not going to argue a simple fact anymore. I stated my opinion and posted wdot laws you posted nothing but arguments. I am not here to argue. I bid you good day sir.

Sorry, I'm not arguing. I don't know why people think its a fight when two people disagree and are debating. My proof is in people's car insurance. You posted trailer insurance, and thanks for that. But it's the car that is doing the towing, insurance that matters.

Hagerty has some crazy coverage. But I still doubt it will cover a vehicle to tow a car and trailer that isn't supposed to do that. Insurance still has guidelines and perimeters. There isn't an Insurance out there that you can just do whatever you want! Keep that in mind. And my posts are for everyone, not directed just to you.