can an A-body tow?

i know what you mean i have had to hit the trailer brakes before even with a farm truck bcoz you can just feel the trailer pushing you.

the other thing i didnt mention that i started thinking of is most ppl tow with autos it a 904 or 727 and autos have the torque convertor which helps ......well as many of you know me already ....everything i have is manual ........i didnt even even think about clutch killer....

hmmm the farm truck is looking better and better

Towing with a clutch.....just have to get the clutch out as quickly as possible. I towed a 10,000 pound load behind a Ranger that I had, truck had a 4.0 and a 5 speed. Think I 2x over what the truck should have towed. Rental place was 8 miles from where I lived, all flat. Took the route with the least lights as the trailer had no brakes. Was an interesting trip to say the least....

I am spoiled now....I use a load equalizer on the car trailer. I haul 8000 pounds of pellets on it a couple of times a year, other than the weight when climbing the short but steep hills between point a & b I do not even know the trailer is there.