can an A-body tow?

I"m guessing you've been an ICBC customer your whole life ? the rest of the world isn't governed by a corrupt government agency pretending to provide insurance , the free market system works in real well this instance my State Farm policy when I was living in Michigan included unlimited AAA roadside emergency assistance , I spent 8 months having my old Caddy jump started every 3rd day or so for free before we finally found the short that was slowly draining the battery . ICBC screws everybody every way they can on claims because they can and I totally understand your doubts but companies that have to compete on service provide much better policy coverage .

ICBC= Insurance crooks of BC.

My dad once mailed them a cheque made out to that and the deposited it. Lol

Your right, ICBC sucks and I don't have as much options as south of the boarder. However, an insurance co that offers unlimited jump starts, tows and wipes your *** is defiantly going to look into a way out from providing coverage for an accident that is your fault. Especially if significant damage was done and , heaven forbid, death!

I didn't know All this about towing before. Someone had to tell me and the thought of losing my house, assets and family out weighs the thought to tow incorrectly.

Someone on e said to me...
Insurance, the one thing you need, but hope you never have to use!
