can an A-body tow?

Clearly you missed the point , in a competitive market place companies compete on customer service , in my case State Farm was the most expensive around but offered the best customer service so I paid a little more then used said service , competitive customer service means maintaining that service after the sale , screwing the customer who has a legit claim costs future sales when the customer has the option of shopping elsewhere , A happy customer may tell nobody about your business but an unhappy customer will tell everyone who will listen how you screwed them . I agree you need to read the fine print and purchase appropriate insurance for the planned use of your vehicle, Just because ICBC won't cover you here in BC doesn't mean she can't get coverage in her market . I am not allowed to drive my Barracuda to work ever on my collector plates , I am however allowed to drive it anywhere in the world as long as it isn't for work or school and I do .