removing aluminum anodizing

I used easy off oven cleaner for ALOT of my trim parts. And have had good luck.

The trick I found was to roughly sand the parts first and THEN use the over cleaner. It allows it to soak in fast and have a faster/better reaction which in turn makes for less applications and wait time.

once it did its thing I rinsed it off. Then wiped it down, then rough sanded with 180 grit wet, then 220 wet,then 320 wet,then 800 wet, then 1200 wet, then ran it on my polishing wheel and it almost immediately brings it to a nice shine.

after that I wiped off the polishing compound film on the surface. Then I hand rubbed with mothers aluminum polish and then wiped it clean again. All of my trim came out looking as good as new with this process.

Its time consuming but it works.

Check out the link in my signature below for my duster build thread and you can find countless pictures of the trim work I have did on my duster throughout the resto process.