My Molasses rust experiment results.

We took 2 55 gallon drums and removed the tops.
1 is filled with 45 gallons water and 5 gallons molasses
1 is filled with 25 gallons water and 2.5 gallons molasses
We mixed it up with a drill to a nice blended foamy mix
I put 2 sets on heads a bunch of intake and exhaust manifolds in 1
I put 4 speed parts, pulleys, bolts, cross-members, etc. in another.
i started this project in october 2012 and have been soaking parts for an average of 3 months.
Here's some interesting info if you wish to try this also.
#1 it does smell when you remove the cover but is not unbearable
#2 there will be a mold mountain that forms from all the rust and debris (see pics... you should remove the mold monthly as it is all rust that clings to it as it surfaces)
#3 once you remove the parts wash off with a hose
#4 once dry you need to prime parts as the will rust immediately from lack of oils and moisture in the air.
BY the way i am on the same mixture of molasses and haven't had to invest in any since i started 3 batches ago.
I attached some pics of my recent parts pull.
1970 340 hp manifolds (the heat-riser was frozen solid before and totally free now and these were heavily scaled in and out)
340 pulleys and 4 speed cross-member
pic of 2 x heads going in today.