
For those that care things are being some point in my life I am hoping that I will eventually remember that one of the primary differences between man and woman is the way we think. I do not mean this as an insult in any way, just a simple statement of facts. A man tends to think with logic, to sort of prioritize things in a way where a woman tends to think more emotionally, often putting there wants in front of there needs. Often times this will spiral completely out of control resulting in your relationship being in a smoking pile. And that is what has happened here.....due to a complete lack of communication, very much on my part, things got turned sideways. In my defense Ernie is one of those folks that often times does not respond until things are about to go over the edge. And I mean that literally. We can be driving down the freeway, in the car pool lane going 80 mph in traffic. Our exit will be 150 feet from us, on the right side of the road and she will then tell me that we need to exit there. Unfortunately she runs many aspects of her life in the very same fashion. She knew she was leaving for AZ on Wednesday of a couple weeks ago. She knew that she wanted to bring the quilts with her., Instead of working on the quilts the previous week she was doing other things, that could have waited. The result was she spent most of Monday in a panic, trying to get them done. Unfortunately we both often times also forget what the definition of priority is...and as a married couple that there needs to be pecking order of sorts....The couples needs HAVE to be first and individuals wants are a distant second.

Couple some very poor communication skills with an extremely short fused, volatile individual and you have the makings for a bumpy ride.

Rob, rumblefish360, you Sir are a true tree shaker. If it were not for a few things that Rob suggested in his PM I do not think I would have had the foresight to end this nightmare in what I am hoping is a very favorable solution. Del and Mr. Merritt, I owe the the two of you fine folks a tremendous Thank You. While I was sitting there reading there PM's and responding the light bulb switched back on. Mr. Merritt, forgive me for not responding to your last PM, I have not forgotten to respond just have been busy doing a few other things.

And to those that could not care less about my troubles no hard feelings on my end. I have been told by a few people that I whine about things to much. To those that feel that way I say it must be nice to lead a charmed life, where your life never gets derailed.....and as I have told many people in my past if it were not for folks like me you would have no way of judging just how perfect you truly are...... I know I am not very well liked by a lot of folks here. A few folks that I truly thought were friends have not said 2 words to me in a very long time. And I get it. You know longer view me as a "friend", whether it be because of a difference in opinion or my extremely bizarre behavior when we met. But I am who I am....