Crack smoker?? I've found the SUPPLIER!!!

On a far more serious, expensive, but incredibly ridiculous note, there used to be an amateur radio op in Goldendale we called "Shaky Dave." "Dave" would buy old HP test equipment and "convert" them to ghost detectors, what's the word, paranormal? He used to try and sell them on Ebay. As I recall, they were obsolete fiber-optic spectrum analyzers. Of course they DID look impressive!!!

(excuse me, etheric analyzer/ monitor)

But's one NOW!!

This guy claims to be a descendant of Farnsworth the inventor.

If you want to believe this BS be my guest:

Hell you can even go on a "ghost tour" no doubt the "sister company" being operated from the back room


Now believe me, this "Shaky Dave" (Duba-ya SEVEN I L G) seems to absolutely sincere in what he is "doing." He's a giant PITA to encounter on the air, because if I'm trying to yak with some of my friends and HE shows up, "I - just - can't - let - it - go"