Favorite Movie Mopar?

Lots to choose from. If the criteria is the CAR and not the MOVIE that the car was in, it widens up the choices immensely....
The Fast and Furious 70 Charger in all of its versions is my favorite....Mainly because I own a 70 Charger.
The 68 Charger in Bullitt looked cool but needed wider tires!
I am in no way a big fan of the E boy cars, but the MOVIE Vanishing Point is my favorite.
Anyone remember the 66 Barracuda in the movie "The Wraith"?? The guys that rode around in it had funny names: Skank and Gutter Boy!
The 73 Charger gets some love in TVs "Burn Notice".
Though not a fast nor interesting car, the 70 Valiant used in "Duel" was cool to see.