Crack smoker?? I've found the SUPPLIER!!!

sounds like a stupid joke to me with an underlying meaning ......the author of the ad obviously has no understanding of astrophysical or quantum theory.

a quantum wormhole is a molecular valence shell vaccum and an astro wormhole is the chemical change in mass decomposition either way it has little to nothing to do with gravity or negative gravity.

that plus negative gravity would not work as a "prop" does he even know what negative gravity is?

Interesting, a person with some brains. Quantum Theory delves far deeper into Quarks, sub atomic and way below the molecular level. Molecules are made of atoms, atoms are made of electrons and neutrons, electrons and neutrons are made of quarks.

It's called a theory only as it makes mathematical sense, yet, not physically witnessed, hence the particle generators that have been built. ;)

I'm going to over simplify here on go out on a ledge.... A small part of quantum physics involves a phenomenon where one particle (quark) imitates another particles movement (status) regardless of it's point in the universe.

And there you have it.... most people would never know it. I look like a knuckle dragging, Mopar loving, cowboybarfighter. I prefer to be underestimated, it gives me an edge.